[Books, Micro-story #1] A Red Heart Rises

By Werner Schmidt

4 July 2021

A red heart rises over a suburban garden.

She lays a landscape A4 sheet in front of me.
For you, Daddy.
Kisses my cheek and bounces away on her next adventure.

A slim, rusty brown tree trunk branches into dense greenery.
To the morning shadow side three shoulder-high flowers rise.
Red petals, then black, then gray, surround the three yellow faces on green stalks.

All this features behind an avocado skin lawn trimmed by a man, lawnmower and giggling passenger boy.

The reason for the red shape rising high into the air,
surely lies in the girl in pink and khaki, dancing to the sun side of the tree.
As tall as the flowers and smiling as widely as the vastness of her heart.

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Music credits – Thank you!
You by myuu https://soundcloud.com/myuu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Music for Creators https://youtu.be/DR9s88XLBf0

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